Monday, August 18, 2014

Dear mom of littles {on things we don't do}

In this social media world we live in, we are always faced with all of the things other moms are doing. Their homemade dinners, organic gardens, cloth diapers, beautiful homemade decorations in the nursery, the list could go on and on. Some of us do some of these things, because they are important to us, or because we are good at them. And that is okay, in fact it is great! Be who you are. But too often we worry about all of those things we aren't doing. The list of things we feel like we should do, because surely they would make us a better mom and definitely they would make our kids more well rounded and wonderful, right? But the truth is nothing has the power to do that (aside from Jesus himself), and even the most wonderful things aren't always life giving if they stress us and take time away from who we really are.

So today I want you to make a list of things that you don't do, things that you maybe wish you did, but don't. Not bad things, but good things you don't do (see my list below for ideas). As you make your list, make peace with the fact that these are things that are okay for you not to be doing now (and maybe forever). Some of them may be things you do someday, but not in this season, and others may be things you never plan to do, but sometimes wish you did. It is surprisingly freeing to make the list. I keep adding to mine (it has over 15 now!)

I got this idea from the balanced life, a blog I recently started following for the #mindbodymat challenge (a 21 day challenge to work on your mind and body). If you are looking for a quick daily work out to get you started on being healthier, check it out!

I will share with you some of my don'ts below.

I don't 

1. Cook from scratch every day (or really ever) 

2. Count calories or diet 

3. Use cloth diapers all the time (we often use disposable if it is more convenient, and with Elise I rarely use them) 

4. Wake up before my kids ever 

5. Wear (or even own) heals, Wear makeup regularly or put jewelry on regularly

6. Feed my kids organic everything 

7. Plan extravagant themed birthday parties

8. Clean the windows in the house regularly 

9. Worry about the fact that my almost 2 year old still uses a binky (pacifier) 

What are some things you don't do?

P.S. I added a little place to subscribe by email if you are interested, I may also figure out some other ways for you to easily follow when I have the time.

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