Friday, August 29, 2014

Dear mom of littles {It's their day too}

Earlier this week I came across this on Pinterest, the caption reads "it's their day too." (I encourage you to check out the blog the link brings you to). Boy, did that stop me in my tracks. When things are going my way because my littles keep getting in my way, I need to remember this.

 It is their day too. 

How the day turns out matters to them also, not just me. Sometimes I am so worried about myself that all I care about is whether or not I had a good day. I need to remember that it is just as important that they have a good day too. 

I encourage you to remember this as you move through your day today. Remember when you start to get frustrated, that it is their day too. Their opinion does matter, their little lives do matter, their little memories are storing up these days. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dear mom of littles {I know who you are}

I know who you are. 

The mamas who stay awake in the night worrying about their littles, wanting to go check on them while they sleep, or lying in bed listening to the breathing of your husband. 

The mamas with a newborn who haven't had more than 3 hour stretches of sleep in a while, and still get up every morning because your older kid/s need you too. 

The mamas who just sent their kids off to school for the first or the 10th time and the mamas who just went back to school themselves (either to teach or to learn) and hate that they are missing out on all of those little moments you shared this summer. 

The mamas who dread the 5:00 hour, because everything always breaks down, and it is the one hour you are expected to get something done (food on the table). 

The mamas who let their kids watch several hours of T.V. because you just couldn't entertain them any more and it either too hot, too cold or too rainy to go outside. 

The mamas who can't find the words to answer one more 'why' or 'what's that' question from their little ones. 

The mamas who need just one conversation with an adult today. 

You are the ones who make your littles' days golden. You are the ones who light up their eyes and speak to their hearts. You are the ones who pray for them and offer hugs when they are having a bad day. You are the ones who are at ground zero when all breaks loose. 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Dear mama in need of grace and a fresh start

I will be honest. I did not wake up with a grateful spirit today. I didn't wake up with patience and grace, I woke up with impatience and frustration. 

I wanted to sleep until 7, but my toddler got up at 6:20. 

I wanted my baby to sleep during breakfast, so I could eat a real meal sitting down, but she woke up when I left her side and wanted to nurse right away. 

I wanted a quiet morning of play time with trains and bubbles, while I sat on the couch and drank my coffee; I got whining and 'mommy please' all morning. 

I wanted a nice walk outside, but the double stroller is in my husbands car and my toddler whined until I picked her up, so we went in early. 

I wanted a lot, and in the meantime, I forgot about what they wanted and needed. 

To be honest, I ended up sticking my toddler in front of her favorite movie (Tinker Bell) and did a little cleaning so I could relax some during nap time. After I got M down, I was rocking E to sleep and singing her songs while I prayed for both my children. 

It is amazing how prayer can change your heart. Now I realize that we all need a fresh start after nap time and I need to say sorry to my toddler for being harsh with my words this morning. 

I hope your day is shaping up better than mine, but if it isn't I hope you find grace and a change of heart. I hope you find the energy to start again and to say you are sorry. I hope you find at least one quiet moment when you can pray for your littles and see how God speaks to you in those moments. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dear mom of a toddler

Toddlers are the sweetest one minute and then little terrors the next. Whether it is biting, hitting, whining, screaming, crying, etc, toddlers can be tough. Yesterday my toddler got upset because she couldn't have the air vent that is attached to our ceiling, full out crying over this! Then the rest of the day she kept pointing to it saying 'What's that, I wanted it.' But you know as well as I do, there is no consoling an irrational toddler. They want what they want, and there is no stopping them. So next time your toddler breaks down over something that does't make any sense, remember two things. 1. We were all toddlers once and we all grow out of it and 2. take a deep breath and make a mental note, maybe later you will find it funny (or maybe you won't in which case take a deep breath and try to forget about it). 

the mom scratching her head over her toddler's latest tantrum

Monday, August 18, 2014

Dear mom of littles {on things we don't do}

In this social media world we live in, we are always faced with all of the things other moms are doing. Their homemade dinners, organic gardens, cloth diapers, beautiful homemade decorations in the nursery, the list could go on and on. Some of us do some of these things, because they are important to us, or because we are good at them. And that is okay, in fact it is great! Be who you are. But too often we worry about all of those things we aren't doing. The list of things we feel like we should do, because surely they would make us a better mom and definitely they would make our kids more well rounded and wonderful, right? But the truth is nothing has the power to do that (aside from Jesus himself), and even the most wonderful things aren't always life giving if they stress us and take time away from who we really are.

So today I want you to make a list of things that you don't do, things that you maybe wish you did, but don't. Not bad things, but good things you don't do (see my list below for ideas). As you make your list, make peace with the fact that these are things that are okay for you not to be doing now (and maybe forever). Some of them may be things you do someday, but not in this season, and others may be things you never plan to do, but sometimes wish you did. It is surprisingly freeing to make the list. I keep adding to mine (it has over 15 now!)

I got this idea from the balanced life, a blog I recently started following for the #mindbodymat challenge (a 21 day challenge to work on your mind and body). If you are looking for a quick daily work out to get you started on being healthier, check it out!

I will share with you some of my don'ts below.

I don't 

1. Cook from scratch every day (or really ever) 

2. Count calories or diet 

3. Use cloth diapers all the time (we often use disposable if it is more convenient, and with Elise I rarely use them) 

4. Wake up before my kids ever 

5. Wear (or even own) heals, Wear makeup regularly or put jewelry on regularly

6. Feed my kids organic everything 

7. Plan extravagant themed birthday parties

8. Clean the windows in the house regularly 

9. Worry about the fact that my almost 2 year old still uses a binky (pacifier) 

What are some things you don't do?

P.S. I added a little place to subscribe by email if you are interested, I may also figure out some other ways for you to easily follow when I have the time.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Dear mom of littles

When you feel exhausted and close to tears, when you feel like you haven't sat down for a meal without constant whining from your kids in days, when you are sure that one more whine fest form your toddler or one more cry from your baby will make you snap, when you aren't sure the last time your truly had an hour of uninterrupted peace, hold onto these words...

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dear mom of littles

I can't be the only one shoving food in my mouth while my toddler isn't looking. Now that she knows the sound of a bag or package opening, I can't just hide, I also have to distract her with something loud so she doesn't hear me. I can't help that I am hungry, but I don't want her to just snack all day (like her mommy) or she won't eat lunch or dinner. I am sorry to say I haven't found a solution to this problem. Maybe you have?! If so, let me know.

A fellow hungry mommy

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dear mom of littles: grace upon grace

May this week be filled with grace upon grace. May you find comfort in the little successes and grace in the failures. Remember that God not only makes us new each day but each moment. So if you feel like they day is full of failure, start again. Ask your kids if it is okay if you start over, ask God for a fresh outlook and ask yourself for forgiveness. Don't worry about making the right choices as a parent for the whole week or even the whole day. Just worry about making the right choice for the next moment. 

a mom covered in grace 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Dear mom of littles (sorry on vacation)

Pathetic, I know, after only 5 posts, my blog is already on summer vacation. I am pretty sure if this was a real job, I would not have any vacation days yet, but it's not, so I decided to take a little break. We went to the beach for a week and are now headed off to visit with my husband's family (sans husband, boo). So when I return I will continue to write you letters.

In the meantime, remember to give yourself grace, and though we don't get vacation days as moms, remember to take time to care for yourself, a hot shower, painted toenails, coffee, lots of water infused with yummy fruit, a run, whatever makes you happy, take a few minutes to do that each day.

The 'vacationing' mom (we all know there is no such thing-- see this article about a Beach Vacation for moms)