Friday, August 29, 2014

Dear mom of littles {It's their day too}

Earlier this week I came across this on Pinterest, the caption reads "it's their day too." (I encourage you to check out the blog the link brings you to). Boy, did that stop me in my tracks. When things are going my way because my littles keep getting in my way, I need to remember this.

 It is their day too. 

How the day turns out matters to them also, not just me. Sometimes I am so worried about myself that all I care about is whether or not I had a good day. I need to remember that it is just as important that they have a good day too. 

I encourage you to remember this as you move through your day today. Remember when you start to get frustrated, that it is their day too. Their opinion does matter, their little lives do matter, their little memories are storing up these days. 

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