Monday, August 25, 2014

Dear mama in need of grace and a fresh start

I will be honest. I did not wake up with a grateful spirit today. I didn't wake up with patience and grace, I woke up with impatience and frustration. 

I wanted to sleep until 7, but my toddler got up at 6:20. 

I wanted my baby to sleep during breakfast, so I could eat a real meal sitting down, but she woke up when I left her side and wanted to nurse right away. 

I wanted a quiet morning of play time with trains and bubbles, while I sat on the couch and drank my coffee; I got whining and 'mommy please' all morning. 

I wanted a nice walk outside, but the double stroller is in my husbands car and my toddler whined until I picked her up, so we went in early. 

I wanted a lot, and in the meantime, I forgot about what they wanted and needed. 

To be honest, I ended up sticking my toddler in front of her favorite movie (Tinker Bell) and did a little cleaning so I could relax some during nap time. After I got M down, I was rocking E to sleep and singing her songs while I prayed for both my children. 

It is amazing how prayer can change your heart. Now I realize that we all need a fresh start after nap time and I need to say sorry to my toddler for being harsh with my words this morning. 

I hope your day is shaping up better than mine, but if it isn't I hope you find grace and a change of heart. I hope you find the energy to start again and to say you are sorry. I hope you find at least one quiet moment when you can pray for your littles and see how God speaks to you in those moments. 

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