Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Dear mom of littles (3)

Who hasn't had a meal alone in forever and and just shoved the cut off crust of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich in your mouth and called it lunch.  I know they say we will miss these days, and we probably will.  But here is what I say, next time someone says "you will miss these days" ask them to watch your kids for a few hours while you get a pedicure, so you can test out their advice. 

the fellow hungry mama. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dear mom of littles (2)

Whose kid(s) just woke up from nap time early again.  You may be exhausted, you may be frustrated and you may be out of ideas to entertain your littles for the day, but remember they aren't interrupting your day, they are your day.  It is possible the rest of the day will be filled with tears (from both you and the littles) due to a lack of sleep.  Embrace the moment.  Put on a show and don't feel guilty, or take them outside and let them play in the dirt.  Whatever you do to get through the extra hour (or two) is OK.  Give yourself a little extra grace and don't worry about who is judging you.

a fellow overtired mama

What do you do to get through the days when naptime is cut short? 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dear mom of littles

Who just got back from the store with your daughters hair clip in your hair holding back your bangs at an insane angle. You rock it mama. Don't worry about the stares you got from the store clerk, they probably just wanted to know where you got the awesome hair clip. I am sure it had nothing to do with the way your bangs are sticking straight up in the air. At least you made it to the store. Slap on some more mascara and you will feel better.

the mom with the extra wavy bangs 

What is your favorite beauty trick?
Mine is mascara (and washing my face), slap on some mascara and I feel a little more human, no matter how crazy my hair looks. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dear mom of a newborn

Know that though it feels insanely hard and lonely and like you are the only mom in the world who is having a hard time with the whole newborn thing, most moms face the first few weeks with the same feeling of loneliness. We just feel like we can't talk about it because after all, we are blessed with this little life who is precious and cute and lovely.

But the truth is, we all feel alone and isolate and in our weakest moments we even struggle to see the blessing of the little life. I think it is because we love them so deeply already and almost feel unfaithful to our babies if we are honest about how hard it is, like it may see like we aren't grateful for this gift of new life. And to make it even more isolating, everyone is commenting on how wonderful babies are and how sweet these early weeks are and how fast they grow up and you feel judged for not really feeling the same way. You worry that all the other moms have their babies on a perfect schedule and are making great steps towards getting them to sleep through the night, when you are just bumbling around sleepy and likely crying wondering how everyone else is doing it. Here is the secret though, we pretty much all feel the same way. We are just waiting for someone else to speak up so we can say "yes us too." Be that mom today.

Hang in there and know you aren't alone. It does get easier, but honestly not nearly fast enough because it is right now that you need the rest. But the good thing is God uses these days to remind us how much we need him.

A fellow weary mom

If you could say only one thing to a mom of a newborn, what would you say?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Hi friends! Welcome to my new blog. I have thought long about blogging since becoming a mom. I have left and returned to my old blog multiple times in the past 2 years and decided that I will eventually shut it down (first I want to make a blog book out of it though). Though I feel at peace about shutting down my old blog, I didn't feel at peace about leaving the blogging world all together. 

So after much thought and prayer, this blog was born. Dear mom of littles is for moms who need a little encouragement each day, who need to feel like they aren't alone in their journey, no matter how easy or difficult that day is. It is for all moms, no matter if you work outside the home, in the home or make raising kids your only full time job. The idea came from a letter (okay a Facebook message) I sent to a dear friend who just recently had her first baby. She reached out on Facebook for encouragement and I wrote her a note, which was meant to make her feel less alone in her new adventure. 

My posts will mostly be written in letter format, and I will keep them pretty short. Maybe a sentence some days other days a paragraph or two. I know the world of blogging is changing, and it almost seems silly to launch a blog when it feels like the blogging art is dying. But my hope is that even if this blog only finds one mom every day who reads these letters and finds them encouraging, then it is worth it in the end.