Hi friends! Welcome to my new blog. I have thought long about blogging since becoming a mom. I have left and returned to my old blog multiple times in the past 2 years and decided that I will eventually shut it down (first I want to make a blog book out of it though). Though I feel at peace about shutting down my old blog, I didn't feel at peace about leaving the blogging world all together.
So after much thought and prayer, this blog was born. Dear mom of littles is for moms who need a little encouragement each day, who need to feel like they aren't alone in their journey, no matter how easy or difficult that day is. It is for all moms, no matter if you work outside the home, in the home or make raising kids your only full time job. The idea came from a letter (okay a Facebook message) I sent to a dear friend who just recently had her first baby. She reached out on Facebook for encouragement and I wrote her a note, which was meant to make her feel less alone in her new adventure.
My posts will mostly be written in letter format, and I will keep them pretty short. Maybe a sentence some days other days a paragraph or two. I know the world of blogging is changing, and it almost seems silly to launch a blog when it feels like the blogging art is dying. But my hope is that even if this blog only finds one mom every day who reads these letters and finds them encouraging, then it is worth it in the end.