Friday, September 12, 2014

For the mom who may have lost part of herself

This is for the mamas who use to have a career, a place where you were making a difference, using your degree, reaching the world with your passion, the ones who had dreams of being someone, traveling the world, taking that job.

Now you are knee deep in diaper changes, runny noses, the hungry caterpillar, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and skinned knees. The person you once were, before these babies came along seems a distant past. You walk through your days wondering when each began, because each day seems to blur together, like a never ending movie that you can't stop watching.

When you pictured motherhood you didn't know it would feel like losing a part of who you were. And you feel guilty for feeling that way, because what you have is so good and you have gained so much. You have something that some women only dream about. It is not just good, but wonderful and beautiful and messy all at once.

But in the beautiful mess of motherhood, somewhere along the way, you lost something in yourself and you are wondering when you will get it back. You are wondering when this never ending season will end. And you aren't sure when you come out on the other end if you will still be there. The same woman who walked into this journey.

I don't know, because I am still there with you. But I have a feeling the same women won't be there, but that is okay. Because part of her still is there, the good part, the beautiful parts, but there will be new parts of yourself that are even more beautiful and lovely. At least that is what I hope.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Dear mom about to go back to work,

I remember when Millie was born dreading each passing week, because each passing week meant I was one week closer to having to go back to work. Going back to work was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life, but honestly, it was also a really good thing.

As you look forward with either excitement or trepidation to your first day back remember (or if you have just recently returned) take comfort in the fact that you are doing the right thing for your family right now. You are helping to put food on the table, you are showing your children that what you do matters too, you are making a choice that is okay and good for you right now. Maybe you love work, maybe you don't, but there is a reason you are there right now. There has to be, or you wouldn't be there.

Each day as you trust your child's life with another person, whether it is family or a big day care, know that they are still loved, God is still watching them, you are still their mama.

Take comfort in the fact that the first few days will likely be easer than you imagined. Don't be ashamed if you enjoy the time away from your little one, it is okay to feel that way. Don't let others make you feel like you are doing anything wrong. No matter how well intentioned it is, don't listen to the critics of your story. You are doing what you are doing for a reason, whether it is because of a deep passion for your job, a need to have a break or to put food on the table and a roof over your heads. Those are honorable too.